
Tim Hurley

Designer + Engineer

About me

Illustrated portrait of Tim

I'm a web engineer with an eye for detail.
I design and build modern, fast and accessible web[sites+apps], with a focus on being user friendly and secure.


  • 17 Years
  • 74 Projects
  • 31 Clients

I've worked with

  • Wheels Media
  • Are Media
  • The Mark Agency
  • The Treasury
  • Icon Agency
  • Steeline
  • WOM Network
  • DTA
  • Mordek
  • GovCMS
  • Lyne Gatty Real Estate
  • Govspace
  • Data.gov.au
  • Chloe's Spray Tans
  • Department of Finance

On things like

Some work can't be listed due to NDAs.

Making Home

Making Home

Technical lead. Site rebuilt with a custom plugins + lightweight theme, running on serverless WordPress stack on AWS. Integrating and extending upon previous YOMM project work (below).



Designed+implemented features and co-created prototype replacement site.
Utilising AWS, Node.js, Tailwind, Vue.js, Sanity Studio, Google Ad Manager, Astro, MeiliSearch, Laravel and headless WordPress.

Garema Place Surgery

Garema Place Surgery

Built in Gridsome SSG (Vue.js based) using Tailwind CSS and integrating with Netlify Forms.



Technical (and project) lead. Designed + built using custom scalable structure over WordPress, on a self managed stack.



Platform technical lead.
+ logo and branding, site redesign and content improvements and restructure.



Improved design and usability of website. Frontend + Drupal development.

Govdex beta

Govdex beta

Website branding, feature concepts, webapp design and development.



Website redesign with focus on usability and simplification.
Plus as SaaS + PaaS + official Drupal distro work.

Valmond & Gibson

Valmond & Gibson

Built in WordPress as a custom theme, utilising a combination of Tailwind framework + custom CSS.

DTOstrap (beta)

DTOstrap (beta)

A drop-in stylesheet for the Bootstrap framework, styled to and extending on the Australian Government Design System.



Co-designed and developed custom WordPress theme with AWS S3 integration.

Lyne Gatty Real Estate

Lyne Gatty Real Estate

Website, logo and branding redesign (including signage + print designs) + hosting and other ICT services.



Redesigned, built and hosted site, with online payments and complex forms. Plus other ICT and media work.

Chloe's Spray Tans

Chloe's Spray Tans

Logo, branding, print media design, website design, development and hosting.



Large scale Atlassian suite admin/hosting + custom Java Spring MVC development with AD integration.

data.gov.au Blog

data.gov.au Blog

Requirements gathering to wireframes + final HTML templates development on very tight time frame.